U.S. Energy Foundation

For The U.S. Transportation Program

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program
This grant supports the Transportation program at the U.S. Energy Foundation. In the next year, the program will focus on securing strong vehicle standards that will put the U.S. on track for a 60% sales share of electric passenger vehicles by 2030 and 50% sales share of freight vehicles by the same year. In addition, the program will fund a series of groups and advocates who are critical for various state-level regulations to advance electrification of freight vehicles. (Substrategy: Electrification)
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Grants to this Grantee
for Federal and Local Power programs  
The U.S. Energy Foundation seeks a clean and equitable energy future. The foundation’s federal program supports ambitious and well-implemented federal climate investments and regulatory policies, while pursuing robust and equitable new policies that advance climate action at the scale necessary. The foundation’s local power program identifies, develops, and executes support for localized efforts to advance clean energy projects to achieve three-to-four-times our current rate of build by 2030. This grant will support federal and local strategies necessary to achieving a low-carbon future. (Substrategy: U.S. National Policy)
for the Transportation Program  
The U.S. Energy Foundation works to secure a clean and equitable energy future to tackle the climate crisis. This grant supports its Transportation Program. In the next year, the program will focus on securing strong national vehicle standards that will put the U.S. on track for more than 50% sales share of zero-emission vehicles by 2030. In addition, the program will fund a series of groups and advocates who are supporting various state-level regulations to advance electrification of freight vehicles. (Substrategy: Electrification)
for general operating support  
The United States Energy Foundation works to secure a clean and equitable energy future to tackle the climate crisis. The foundation works across the following strategic priorities: securing ambitious federal regulations, implementing federal climate investments, accelerating state and local progress, and growing public support. The foundation sees an opportunity in a shifting political economy to accelerate the deployment of clean energy and garner support across all parts of the country. (Substrategy: U.S. National Policy)

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