Transparency International

For A Program To Engage Business In Advancing Global Standards To Stop Corrupt Money Flows

With a global network of over 100 national chapters, Transparency International researches and advocates for good governance standards and practices at the international level and promotes the adoption and implementation of those standards at the national level. Seizing upon the momentum generated by the Panama Papers and recognizing the influential role of private-sector actors within the international financial system, Transparency International will work to increase the number of professionals and businesses in the real estate and accounting sectors effectively implementing standards and practices to detect, report, and prevent the laundering of illicit assets from developing countries.
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for developing a plan to support national chapters is using global and regional norms and standards  
Transparency International (TI) is a global civil society network with over 100 national chapters that champion transparency and accountability. This planning grant to the TI Secretariat would support the design of a global advocacy and capacity building plan to enhance national chapters’ ability to promote compliance with global norms and standards in their countries.

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