Tides Center

For The Connect U.S. Fund

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program
The U.S. foreign policy community includes a variety of actors: policymakers navigating a complex, interconnected foreign policy landscape; NGOs competing for the policymakers’ time and attention; and foundations supporting projects to advance their vision of a better world. Since 2003, the Hewlett Foundation has supported the Connect U.S. Fund, a project of the Tides Foundation that builds relationships among these diverse players. The Fund has become increasingly recognized as a key convener and driver of high-level policy advocacy in five important issue areas: nonproliferation, climate change, reform of international financial institutions, support for U.S. civilian agencies engaged in development, and human rights. Not only do NGOs turn to the Fund for assistance, but policymakers ask it to facilitate conversations with NGOs on major policy issues. The Fund is among the few organizations that can respond to requests for rapid funding and therefore react nimbly to unforeseen events, thus multiplying its impact. In addition, the Fund provides grants to organizations that facilitate collaboration across issue areas. This renewal grant is a collaboration between the Global Development and Special Projects programs, in recognition of the fact that the Fund has broadened its issue areas far beyond those solely of interest to Global Development.
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of the LeaderSpring Center  
LeaderSpring, a fiscally sponsored project of the Tides Center, invests in supporting and developing leaders in the Bay Area. It seeks to foster a powerful, equity-driven social sector by strengthening leaders and organizations, developing communities of leaders, and transforming the systems in which they work. This support will enable LeaderSpring to deepen its efforts to shift organizational culture and structures to oppose and dismantle systems of oppression.
for the Climate and Community Project's work on Community Benefit Agreements in a Just Transition  
The Climate and Community Project is fiscally sponsored by the Tides Center. The project is a network of academics and policy experts conducting research at the climate and inequality nexus. This grant will fund a project to explore the potential of community benefit agreements (CBAs) to support a just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The goal is to produce a policy-oriented report and an environmental justice CBA toolkit that will examine what kinds of benefits negotiated agreements may offer to frontline communities, as well as potential shortcomings and unintended consequences of such accords. (Substrategy: Transition Minerals)
for the Mosaic initiative  
This grant supports Mosaic, a project of the Tides Center, in its efforts to strengthen the infrastructure of the environmental community by investing in communications, leadership development, tools and training, field knowledge, and building relationships between organizations and communities. (Substrategy: Build the Conditions for Enduring Conservation)

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