Tides Center

For Support Of The Sea Change Program For Transforming Abortion Stigma

The Tides Center houses the Sea Change Program, previously housed at UCSF, which is dedicated to transforming the culture around abortion through social science research and implementing practices to reduce stigma. During the prior grant period, Sea Change ran an innovative research study on women’s book clubs that read a collection of essays including some women’s stories about their abortions. The study found that after reading the essays, nearly all of the women who had had abortions also then shared their personal experiences with abortion. Importantly, hearing the stories moved the listeners’ attitudes in the pro-choice direction. In fact, attitudes toward abortion changed the most among participants with the most prejudicial views toward abortion before the discussion. This next phase of support would enable Sea Change to expand to more book clubs, relaunch the essays to reach individual readers and activists, and conduct other interventions and research focused on reducing abortion stigma and fighting restrictive cultural norms related to abortion.
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of the LeaderSpring Center  
LeaderSpring, a fiscally sponsored project of the Tides Center, invests in supporting and developing leaders in the Bay Area. It seeks to foster a powerful, equity-driven social sector by strengthening leaders and organizations, developing communities of leaders, and transforming the systems in which they work. This support will enable LeaderSpring to deepen its efforts to shift organizational culture and structures to oppose and dismantle systems of oppression.
for the Climate and Community Project's work on Community Benefit Agreements in a Just Transition  
The Climate and Community Project is fiscally sponsored by the Tides Center. The project is a network of academics and policy experts conducting research at the climate and inequality nexus. This grant will fund a project to explore the potential of community benefit agreements (CBAs) to support a just transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. The goal is to produce a policy-oriented report and an environmental justice CBA toolkit that will examine what kinds of benefits negotiated agreements may offer to frontline communities, as well as potential shortcomings and unintended consequences of such accords. (Substrategy: Transition Minerals)
for the Mosaic initiative  
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