The Pew Charitable Trusts
For U.S. Public Lands And Rivers Conservation
Date Awarded3/16/2021
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The Pew Charitable Trusts’ U.S. Public Lands and Rivers Conservation project works with communities West-wide to conserve biodiversity by identifying and protecting wildlife corridors, protecting and restoring free-flowing rivers, and expanding core habitat protections. In particular, Pew is working with other Western Conservation grantees, scientists, local partners, tribes, sportsmen and sportswomen groups, members of the business community, mayors, county commissioners, veterans, and others to advance new policies that safeguard these wild places and wild rivers for future generations to use and enjoy. At the local level, Pew continues to work with federal, state, and local natural resource officials and agencies to secure the removal or replacement of river barriers impeding fish passage, in coordination with Resources Legacy Fund’s Open Rivers Fund; seek new public funding for construction of wildlife crossing infrastructure projects within identified migration corridors; and preserve core areas of passageway for wildlife connectivity through federal land-use plans. (Substrategy: Advance Conservation Protections)
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Grants to this Grantee
for the Transforming Evidence Network Conference and Transforming Evidence Funders Network meeting
The Pew Charitable Trusts is an independent nonprofit organization that draws on research and analysis to improve public policy, inform the public, and invigorate civic life. This grant supports the continuation and expansion of the Evidence Project, which will formalize a research funders’ network. The network cultivates information-sharing and collaboration between funders in fields such as education, health, international development, and environment to fill knowledge and resource gaps in the evidence-use arena. The goals of the network are to (a) facilitate learning between funders, (b) coordinate efforts and funding to identify and make progress on critical needs for the field, and (c) grow the field of evidence use and inspire more funders to support evidence initiatives. This grant supports the organization of the 2024 Transforming Evidence Network Conference and Transforming Evidence Funders Network meeting, to be held consecutively from November 19-22 in Cape Town, South Africa. (Strategy: Evidence-Informed Policymaking)
for the U.S. Conservation connectivity convening
The Pew Charitable Trusts’ U.S. Conservation Program works with communities West-wide to conserve biodiversity by identifying and protecting wildlife corridors, protecting oceans, restoring free-flowing rivers, and expanding core habitat protections. In particular, Pew is working with scientists, local partners, Tribes, sportsmen and sportswomen, members of the business community, and others to advance new policies that safeguard wild places and wild rivers for wildlife and future generations to use and enjoy. This grant supports a convening about wildlife connectivity. (Substrategy: Advance Conservation Protections)
for expanding the global reach of the Transforming Evidence Funders Network
The Pew Charitable Trusts is an independent nonprofit organization that draws on research and analysis to improve public policy, inform the public, and invigorate civic life. This grant supports the continuation and expansion of the Evidence Project, which will formalize a research funders’ network. The network cultivates information-sharing and collaboration between funders in fields such as education, health, international development, and environment to fill knowledge and resource gaps in the evidence-use arena. The goals of the network are to (a) facilitate learning between funders, (b) coordinate efforts and funding to identify and make progress on critical needs for the field, and (c) grow the field of evidence use and inspire more funders to support evidence initiatives. (Strategy: Evidence-Informed Policymaking)