The African Capacity Building Foundation

For Travel Costs For The Think Tank Summit

The African Capacity Building Foundation builds human and institutional capacity with a vision to see Africa capable of achieving its own development. It has a mission to build strategic partnerships, offer technical support, and provide access to relevant knowledge related to capacity building in Africa. The organization hosts the annual Africa Think Tank Summit to strengthen collaboration and partnership among Africa’s think tanks. This grant will fund the cost of travel for seven African think tanks to participate in the 2018 summit.
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2 Fairbairn Drive, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
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for support of the 2023 Africa Think Tank Summit  
The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), a specialized agency of the African Union, is mandated to develop the human capital and institutions required to realize the vision of “a prosperous, resilient, and inclusive Africa.” Its 2023-27 strategic plan focuses the work of the ACBF on four key impact areas, namely climate change and energy; agribusiness and food sovereignty; trade; and economic and social governance. Under the economic and social governance pillar, the organization is working to enhance evidence-based and purpose-driven policymaking by governments across Africa. This grant will support ACBF to organize and deliver the annual Africa Think Tank Summit in November 2023, which contributes to strengthening collaboration and partnership among Africa’s think tanks to enhance their effectiveness and sustainability. (Strategy: Evidence-Informed Policymaking)
for sponsorship of travel to the Africa Think Tank Summit in Nairobi  
The African Capacity Building Foundation builds human and institutional capacity with a vision to see Africa capable of achieving its own development. It has a mission to build strategic partnerships, offer technical support, and provide access to relevant knowledge related to capacity building in Africa. In April, the organization hosted the annual Africa Think Tank Summit to strengthen collaboration and partnership among African think tanks. This grant enabled the participation of seven African think tank representatives by covering the cost of their travel to the 2019 summit.
for travel costs for the Think Tank summit  
The African Capacity Building Foundation builds human and institutional capacity with a vision to see Africa capable of achieving its own development. It has a mission to build strategic partnerships, offer technical support, and provide access to relevant knowledge related to capacity building in Africa. The organization hosts the annual Africa Think Tank Summit to strengthen collaboration and partnership among Africa’s think tanks. This grant will fund the cost of travel for seven African think tanks to participate in the 2018 summit.

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