Sonoran Institute

For The Western Renewable Energy Project

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12.0 Months
  • Type of Support
Arizona has some of the world's most promising solar potential, and state leaders hope to make it a pioneer in advancing global solar technology. The state mandates that investor-owned public utilities procure at least 15 percent of their energy from renewable resources by 2025, and the state's proximity to California makes its renewable potential attractive to southern California utilities that must meet even more aggressive renewable energy targets. In addition, the state's two largest utilities, Arizona Public Service Company and Salt River Project, have major ownership interests in aging coal plants that are candidates for retirement in the next five years. However, Arizona's Sonora Desert is a world treasure, and its unique ecosystem would be harmed if solar development is not sited appropriately. This second-year grant to the Sonoran Institute is aimed at encouraging more rapid solar development, while ensuring habitat protection. Funds from this grant would also be used to develop renewable power alternatives to coal power currently fueling the Central Arizona Project, a federally-owned irrigation system.
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