Silicon Valley Community Foundation

For An Exit Grant For The Community Leadership Project

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    18 Months
  • Type of Support
Created in 2007 through the merger of two local community foundations, Silicon Valley Community Foundation serves San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. There are 2 million people living in this two-county region—more than 45 percent are people of color, one-third of residents are immigrants, nearly half the workforce is foreign-born, and close to two-thirds of those under the age of eighteen are children of immigrants. The community foundation led successful capacity-building efforts for organizations serving low-income people and communities of color, including multiyear general support paired with technical assistance. Using its experience and cultural competency, the foundation will continue to focus on organizations working to improve the quality of life for marginalized communities.
About the Grantee
2440 West El Camino Real, Suite 300, Mountain View, CA, 94040-1498, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for support of the Holiday Fund  
The Holiday Fund disburses funds to local newspapers that, in turn, make general operating support grants to a wide variety of local nonprofits, ranging from food banks to health centers to youth programs. While the Holiday Fund provides support for direct services through this program, it also stimulates giving by new donors, encourages the growth of philanthropy on the Peninsula, and increases newspaper readers’ awareness of local nonprofit organizations through both advertising and feature articles.
for strengthening Latinx‐led or serving orgs by investing in capacity and leadership activities  
Silicon Valley Community Foundation is a leading connector and collaborator in the region. This grant will support targeted, long-term investments for Silicon Valley’s nonprofits that serve Latinx communities or have Latinx leadership. This grant will contribute to sustaining investments and resources to eradicate systemic and institutional racism.
for support of the Regional Planning Strategy  
As part of the Great Communities Collaborative, the Silicon Valley Community Foundation will work to change the current sprawl approach to development which negatively impacts underserved communities both economically and environmentally. The organization will focus on San Jose’s Diridon Station area,where there is an opportunity to merge better transit with affordable housing and good jobs as part of the redevelopment of the area. The long-term goal of the Collaborative is to change the trajectory of growth in the Bay Area by having half of the new homes built by 2030 be in walkable communities; at affordable prices; near transit, services, and jobs; and with access to recreation and open space.

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