Security Council Report

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    36.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
The Security Council Report was established in 2005 to provide timely, accurate, and objective information and analysis on the activities of the United Nations Security Council. The vision for the Report stems from the belief that the lack of consistent, high-quality public information about the Council's activities-and those of its subordinate bodies-is a real barrier to the effective performance of the Council itself and a major disservice to the public. Since its commencement just over five years ago, the Report has consistently published monthly briefings on the issues on the Council's agenda; e-alerts regarding emerging issues or developing situations; in-depth analyses of Council decisions, processes, or practice; and reports that track the Council's performance on decision follow-through. All of these materials are read by the elected members of the Security Council (the Report's primary audience) and provide more equal access to information, which is crucial to more effective performance. The Report's secondary audience includes stakeholders interested in the Council's work, such as the UN Secretariat, NGOs, and the wider UN membership.

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