Russell Sage Foundation
For Support Of Research On The Effects Of The Supreme Court College Admissions Decision
Date Awarded6/3/2024
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Russell Sage Foundation dedicates itself to strengthening the methods, data, and theories of the social sciences, in order to better understand societal problems and develop informed responses. The foundation supports visiting scholars in residence and publishes books and a journal under its own imprint. It also funds researchers at other institutions and supports programs intended to develop new generations of social scientists. In collaboration with the Culture, Race and Equity department, this grant supports research focused on ways to promote educational attainment and social and economic mobility. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
112 East Sixty-Fourth Street, New York, NY, 10021, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for support of research on the effects of the Supreme Court college admissions decision
The Russell Sage Foundation dedicates itself to strengthening the methods, data, and theories of the social sciences, in order to better understand societal problems and develop informed responses. The foundation supports visiting scholars in residence and publishes books and a journal under its own imprint. It also funds researchers at other institutions and supports programs intended to develop new generations of social scientists. In collaboration with the Culture, Race and Equity department, this grant supports research focused on ways to promote educational attainment and social and economic mobility. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)