Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment

For Re-grants To Environmental Justice Organizations

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    36.0 Months
  • Type of Support
Funding would allow Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment (Oakland, CA) to make general support and OE grants to eight to ten small community-based environmental justice organizations located in the Bay Area, Central Coast, and San Joaquin Valley. Rose staff will help each grantee develop a technical assistance plan and funds its implementation by a consultant from its pre-screened list of cultural competent capacity-building providers. Rose currently serves as a regranting intermediary for the Environment Program, which provides general support for Rose's Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund. (New, $129,477, 40% of project budget)
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of the Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund program  
The Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund works to strengthen the San Francisco Bay Area’s environmental movement and increase its diversity through regrants aimed at building the capacity of small, local organizations. Environmental health, environmental justice, air pollution, and land use are the highest funded issues. Activities during this grant period would include regranting to small Bay Area groups working in underserved communities on parks, transit, air, and water quality, and providing capacity-building training opportunities to these groups.
for general support of the Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund Program  
Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund works to strengthen the San Francisco Bay Area’s environmental movement and increase its diversity through regrants aimed at building the capacity of small, local organizations. Environmental health, environmental justice, air pollution, and land use are the highest funded issues. Activities during this grant period would include regranting to small Bay Area groups working in underserved communities on parks, transit, air, and water quality, and providing capacity-building training opportunities to these groups.
for general support of the Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund Program  
This grant would support the Northern California Environmental Grassroots Fund. Its goal is to strengthen the environmental movement and increase its diversity by building the capacity of small, local organizations. Environmental health, environmental justice, air pollution, and land use are the highest funded issues. The Fund will track a range of deliverables, from the progress of efforts to reduce air pollution to the number of youths engaged in education efforts regarding toxic chemicals in the environment.

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