Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

For The California Policy Infrastructure Project

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    20.0 Months
  • Type of Support
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (New York, NY) – Project; New; $1,500,000 over 20 months; 100% of project budget For the California Policy Infrastructure project This grant request is to establish a $1.5 million fund to support education reform efforts in California. This flexible fund would take advantage of Rockefeller’s expertise in regranting and project management to leverage the current momentum for change as opportunities arise, such as the following possibilities: • Support for seven large California urban school districts to pursue timely reforms. Their federal Race to the Top application, which was ultimately unsuccessful, contains far-reaching reforms that the districts now seek to implement on their own) • Creation of a partnership of business, education, labor, and community groups that would implement a full-scale research, coalition building, and public engagement strategy to prompt reform of California’s complex finance system to better serve disadvantaged students. • Investment in a balanced "ecosystem" of organizations, to be selected by an expert advisory panel formed by Rockefeller, working to improve the conditions for education policymaking. Structured as a donor-advised fund, it would make regrants to high-performing, action-oriented advocacy and organizing groups, with remaining funds divided among organizations specializing in research, policy analysis, and information sharing.
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120 Broadway Suite 3475, New York, NY, 10271, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for Fund for Shared Insight  
Fund for Shared Insight, a fiscally sponsored project of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, is a national funder collaborative seeking to improve philanthropy by centering the people and communities at the heart of its work. Shared Insight believes those impacted by funder decisions, but often least consulted, can offer unique and valuable insight into how to bring about lasting, meaningful change that improves lives in ways people define for themselves. The collaborative is committed to the kind of listening, partnering, and learning that values lived expertise, shifts power, and leads to more equitable outcomes. This grant provides flexible program support for Fund for Shared Insight.
for the Climate Emergency Collaboration Group  
This grant supports the Climate Emergency Collaboration Group, a collaborative platform that brings together donors and leaders from the field to coordinate strategies; prioritize gaps; and deploy funds rapidly, based on the greatest need, with a specific emphasis on the multilateral climate agenda, including the U.N. Climate Convention, the G20, and the G7. (Substrategy: Philanthropic Capacity)
for the Collaborative for Gender + Reproductive Equity’s state courts program  
This grant will support a project to work through state courts to better support gender, reproductive, and racial equity and advance a more inclusive democracy. The project will provide grants to state-based organizations to conduct nonpartisan state-level pipeline, education, and mobilization work. (Strategy: U.S. Reproductive Equity)

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