Proteus Fund

For The Transparency, Accountability & Participation Network

The Transparency, Accountability & Participation Network brings together about 350 civil society organizations from over 70 countries to promote open, inclusive, and accountable governance as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The network supports capacity building and advocacy campaigns of member organizations to reinforce country-level implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 16. The network also engages in advocacy at the global level to ensure that Goal 16 receives attention at the highest political level of the United Nations. This grant will enable the network to strengthen members’ capacity to track progress on Goal 16 implementation and to enhance the evaluative and learning aspects of its advocacy campaigns.
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15 Research Drive, Suite B, Amherst, MA, 01002, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for support of the Transparency and Accountability Initiative: Gender-Just Economy Collaborative Learning Platform  
This grant is to the Proteus Fund as the fiscal sponsor for the Transparency and Accountability Initiative. The Proteus Fund connects philanthropy to the frontlines of social justice, striving to advance the interconnected goals of racial, gender, queer, and disability justice, and an inclusive, fully representative democracy. The Transparency and Accountability Initiative is a donor collaborative that coordinates research and exchange among donors focused on good governance for just societies. The grant will support the development of a donor-focused learning community of practice facilitating dialogue between donors about how to advance a gender-just economy through new economic thinking and effective grantmaking approaches. (Strategy: International Women’s Economic Empowerment)
for the Transparency and Accountability Initiative  
The Transparency and Accountability Initiative, hosted by Proteus Fund, is a donor collaborative that coordinates research and exchange among transparency and accountability donors. This grant will continue supporting implementation of the 2020-2024 strategy to increase members’ collective impact by facilitating collective action around four streams of work: (a) data use for accountability, (b) taxation and tax governance, (c) strengthening civic space, and (d) learning for improved grantmaking. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
for support of More Equitable Democracy  
More Equitable Democracy, a fiscally sponsored project of the Proteus Fund, coordinates with organizations led by people of color that advance proportional representation and other electoral reforms through public education, research, litigation, and policy advocacy at the state and local levels.

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