Priority Africa Network

For Summit Of Future African Stakeholders Convening

This grant to Priority Africa Network (PAN) supported an African Stakeholders Pre-Summit of the Future Convening, ahead of the UN Summit of the Future. Priority Africa Network is an Oakland, California-based nonprofit that supports and advocates for Black immigrant communities, working as “bridge builder” between Black immigrants and African Americans. PAN builds intergenerational bridges within the African diaspora to advance pan-Africanism ideals that enable an inclusive and equitable society for all people. Priority Africa Network convened the pre-Summit conference with other leading pan-African institutions including UNECA, Oxfam, and TrustAfrica among others. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)
About the Grantee
1721 Broadway St, Oakland, CA, 94612, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for Summit of Future African Stakeholders Convening  
This grant to Priority Africa Network (PAN) supported an African Stakeholders Pre-Summit of the Future Convening, ahead of the UN Summit of the Future. Priority Africa Network is an Oakland, California-based nonprofit that supports and advocates for Black immigrant communities, working as “bridge builder” between Black immigrants and African Americans. PAN builds intergenerational bridges within the African diaspora to advance pan-Africanism ideals that enable an inclusive and equitable society for all people. Priority Africa Network convened the pre-Summit conference with other leading pan-African institutions including UNECA, Oxfam, and TrustAfrica among others. (Strategy: Inclusive Governance)

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