Ploughshares Fund

For Promoting Innovation In The Nuclear Security Field

  • Amount
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  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24.0 Months
  • Type of Support
A grant to the Center for Economic and Foreign Policy Studies would allow the Center to continue to generate strategic thinking and elite debate about Turkey’s role in the global discussion of nuclear energy and nuclear policy. The only such project operating in Turkey, the Center could significantly influence the country’s debate on nuclear security as its government considers acquiring nuclear power capabilities. The project would build on the organization’s pioneering work over the past two years by continuing to keep the Turkish government informed about nuclear security and energy issues. This is especially important given the ripple effects of Turkey’s policies across the increasingly unstable region.
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Hewlett has long recognized the Ploughshares Fund as a strategic partner in advancing nuclear security, particularly when it comes to working with opinion leaders in Washington. This renewal would allow Ploughshares to continue work toward its ultimate goal of achieving a safe, secure, nuclear weapon-free world. In the coming years, Ploughshares will focus on (1) using public and policymaker education to ensure that the administration and Congress understand the potential benefits of reduced spending on nuclear weapons and (2) generating and promoting ideas for diplomatic means to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed country.

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