Partners for Conservation
For BLM Workshops And Sage Grouse Research
Date Awarded8/21/2017
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
Established in 2008, the rancher-led Partners for Conservation organization empowers private landowners, agencies, non-profit organizations, and policymakers to collaborate on conservation projects to sustain working landscapes for present and future generations. With this first-time grant, they will assess the bipartisan, collaborative effort that led to proactive plans to conserve habitat for the greater sage grouse in 11 Western states (PFC member ranchers were key stakeholders). Results will be distributed to partners and policy-makers that will help inform a subsequent series of workshops to train federal agencies to work collaboratively with ranchers and others on conservation issues in the West.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Established in 2008, Partners for Conservation, known as Partnerscapes, embodies a grassroots movement of private landowners working with state and federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, and policymakers to collaborate on conservation projects to sustain working landscapes for present and future generations. Consistent with the Western Conservation strategy to bolster collaboration among diverse stakeholders, Partnerscapes hosts conferences and trainings (virtually in 2020), and surveys for identifying and advancing best practices in effective conservation-focused collaboration. (Substrategy: Build the Conditions for Enduring Conservation)
for general operating support
Partners for Conservation empowers private landowners to collaborate with agencies, nonprofit organizations, and policymakers on conservation projects to sustain working landscapes for present and future generations. The organization hosts conferences, trainings, and surveys for identifying and advancing best-practices in effective conservation-focused collaboration among diverse stakeholders.
for general operating support
Partners for Conservation empowers private landowners to collaborate with agencies, nonprofit organizations, and policymakers on conservation projects to sustain working landscapes for present and future generations. This renewal of their general operating support grant allows the organization to continue to work with Western landowners and facilitate trainings for effective collaboration among diverse stakeholders.