Nonprofit Finance Fund
For Tools And Research On Social Impact Bonds
Date Awarded7/23/2013
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) is a bank for social change; it makes loans (and provides consulting services) to nonprofits to support their growth. This grant will support NFF in building its capacity in the nascent industry of social impact bond (SIB)/pay-for-success financing. Specifically, NFF will (1) advise and improve pre-transaction readiness for nonprofits and government entities interested in participating in SIBs/pay-for-success, (2) provide early learning and advice to communities with emerging interest in SIBs, and (3) expand its learning hub ( which offers tools, research, and networks/communities of practice for funders and implementers of SIB/pay-for-success financing projects. NFF also aims to organize a syndicate of philanthropic investors to participate in specific SIB deals.
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