National Security Initiative
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded11/26/2009
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
The National Security Initiative works to improve both the policy content of opinion-leaders and non-expert decision-makers' foreign policy thinking and the content and frame with which those policies are covered by traditional and new media. Among other things, the National Security Initiative plans in 2010 to expand its capacity to introduce nonproliferation policies and long-term goals more broadly into the thinking of bloggers, the media, Congress, opinion-leaders and policy-makers, by combining the best policy experts with its deep reach into other issues and communities and specifically, strengthened media outreach. This will help the community that advocates on behalf of reformed nuclear weapons policies in the United States, much of which is funded in part by the Hewlett Foundation, to more effectively integrate its message with broader national security issues currently facing the U.S. Ultimately, more effective communication will improve the likelihood that this community succeeds in achieving its policy goals.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
1225 'Eye' Street NW, Suite 307, Washington, DC, 20005-5955, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
The National Security Initiative is an influential foreign policy player with considerable ability to shape the nuclear policy debate in the United States. A general support grant will bolster the National Security Initiative for anticipated debates over Iran diplomacy and the Pentagon budget and give the organization a stable base while its new executive director fully transitions into the organization.
for general operating support
General operating support for the National Security Initiative would expand the capacity of one of the primary advocacy organizations educating policymakers and the public about nuclear nonproliferation and about Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The Initiative will continue to perform the key functions of (1) collecting the best policy analysis from our U.S. nuclear policy grantees and serving as a trusted intermediary to get it into the hands of policymakers and the media and (2) strengthening D.C.-based nuclear policy coalitions’ understanding of the importance of messaging to achieving outcomes. This is especially important because many organizations working on nuclear policy are walled-in by jargon, acronyms, and technical expertise and because the political environment requires more sophisticated messaging.
for general operating support
General operating support for the National Security Initiative would expand the capacity of one of the primary advocacy organizations educating policymakers and the public about the New START treaty and about Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Among other activities in 2011, the National Security Initiative intends to serve as a clearinghouse for the effort to educate policymakers and stakeholders about New START, provide daily updates on nuclear issues, and play the role of convener for the nuclear advocacy community. Demonstrating its ability to generate long-range strategic thinking on nuclear policy, the organization will also concentrate on integrating nuclear issues into a broader, longer-term vision of U.S. security. And, given its in-depth knowledge of the complex geopolitical issues surrounding Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the National Security Initiative plans to expand, its information center on Iran with active users inside and outside government.