National Equity Project
For General Operating Support
Date Awarded11/17/2020
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
The National Equity Project is a leadership and systems-change organization committed to increasing the capacity of people to achieve thriving, self-determining, educated, and just communities. Its mission is to transform the experiences, outcomes, and life options for children and families who have been historically underserved by institutions and systems. An example of one of the organization’s programs is the Black Teacher Project, aimed at sustaining and developing Black teachers to lead and reimagine schools as communities of liberated learning, thereby empowering a Black teaching force.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
The National Equity Project is a strategic consulting and leadership development organization focused on supporting individuals to make equity-based decisions. The organization aims to respond flexibly to the nonprofit sector’s growing interest in diversity, equity, inclusion and in organizational development. The National Equity Project is well positioned to inform and influence how organizations, including Hewlett Foundation grantees, increase their capacity to foster equity and inclusion in their work. This is a general operating support grant. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)
for general operating support
The National Equity Project is a strategic consulting and leadership development organization focused on supporting individuals to make equity-based decisions. The organization aims to respond flexibly to the nonprofit sector’s growing interest in diversity, equity, inclusion and in organizational development. The National Equity Project is well positioned to inform and influence how organizations, including Hewlett Foundation grantees, work to bring about equity-focused, systems-level change.
for general operating support
The National Equity Project is a strategic consulting and leadership development organization focused on supporting individuals so they make effective and informed equity-based decisions. The organization aims to respond flexibly to the nonprofit sector’s growing interest in diversity, equity, inclusion, and organizational development. The organization is well positioned to inform and influence how organizations, including Hewlett Foundation grantees, work to bring about equity-focused, systems-level change.