Massachusetts Institute of Technology

For J-PAL’s Core Efforts To Reduce Poverty By Informing Policy And Practice With Evidence

The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was founded on the belief that anti-poverty programs can be made more effective - thus creating positive change in the lives of the poor - if policymakers have access to rigorous scientific evidence on what works and the capacities to apply it. J-PAL pursues three goals: (a) developing the capacity of researchers (including those from low- and middle-income countries) to lead randomized impact evaluations; (b) generating evidence through randomized evaluations that respond to pressing policy problems; and (c) promoting the systematic use and adaptation of evidence in informing policy windows and decision-making processes through tailored synthesis, targeted outreach, and technical assistance. These broad goals lay the foundation for achieving J-PAL's ultimate objective, which aligns with our Evidence-Informed Policymaking strategy: to improve the lives of the poor globally by closing the gap between research, policy, and practice.
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for CEEPR’s Industrial Strategy Economic Monitor  
A team at MIT, in collaboration with researchers at Stanford and Employ America, is developing the Industrial Strategy Economic Monitor to assess progress implementing U.S. industrial strategy. The monitor will feature a data tool enabling users to easily visualize and download data — including on employment, input costs, investment, output, and trade — and a dashboard summarizing data by industry and production stage. It will facilitate close-to-real-time assessment of tailwinds and headwinds for targeted industries and the broader macroeconomy, spur debate and research on the best way to evaluate industrial strategies, and promote high-quality, nonpartisan analysis of the industrial strategy experiment.
for support of the AI + Open Education Initiative  
MIT Open Learning transforms education at MIT and around the globe through innovative digital technologies. With this grant, MIT Open Learning will solicit rapid response papers and multimedia projects from stakeholders in the United States and internationally to articulate how generative AI might accelerate (or hinder) the promise of open education to offer engaging learning experiences. This work will draw upon MIT’s connections with trailblazers who are shaping AI and open education, and it will inform approaches for developing effective teaching practices and bolstering an inclusive open education field responsive to diverse stakeholders. (Substrategy: Field Building)
for support of the Election Data and Science Lab  
The MIT Election Data and Science Lab advances and disseminates scientific knowledge about the conduct of elections, primarily in the United States but with attention to the rest of the world. By addressing the multiple audiences of academic researchers, the general public, and practitioners, it serves a unique role among individuals and institutions dedicated to improving the conduct of American elections, and it supports a growing network of election science research centers across the U.S.

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