Library of Congress
For Support Of The Congressional Research Service's Centennial Seminars And New Member Orientation
Date Awarded3/17/2014
Term18.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This project grant to the Library of Congress will support three programs developed and managed by the Library's Congressional Research Service (CRS). The first will be CRS's Centennial Symposium for current and former Members of Congress in July 2014. The second will be hosting a nonpartisan three-day seminar for newly elected Members of Congress in January 2015. The third will be a series of seminars for Members and their staff, held in the spring of 2015, describing how congressional processes have evolved in recent decades, and continue to evolve in the 21st century.
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of two fellows at the Kluge Center
The Kluge Center, the hub of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences at the Library of Congress, will use this two-year grant to fund two fellowships to study national governing institutions. The scholars selected will be in residence at the center for three to four months each. Given its experience connecting scholarship with Congress, the center is the appropriate setting for this in-residence program. The Kluge Center also will continue to engage with the emerging scholars and diverse perspectives programs at American University, further strengthening the network of scholars studying national governing institutions. The fellows will conduct research on Congress and the executive branch using the Library’s collections and will be expected to disseminate their findings through publications and events.