For General Operating Support
Date Awarded10/16/2020
Term9.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
A grant to Lawfare will support its growth and ongoing maturation with an emphasis on hiring additional editorial staff. Lawfare is a leading source of analysis of issues at the nexus of national security, law, and policy via blog posts, podcasts, and other engaging content. This grant supports our field-building strategy by developing new cyber policy experts and giving them a voice in policy debates. (Substrategies: Talent Pipeline and Translation Infrastructure)
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
P.O. Box 33226, Washington, DC, 20033-3226, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Lawfare is a nonprofit, interdisciplinary, and easily accessible online resource for important topics and new ideas within the nexus of national security, law, and policy. This grant supports the cyber initiative’s field-building strategy by supporting an organization that develops new cyber policy experts and gives them a voice in policy debates. Lawfare plans to continue its growth with an emphasis on hiring additional editorial staff. (Strategy: Talent Pipeline and Translation Infrastructure)
for a collaboration between Lawfare and Risky Business Media
Lawfare is a nonprofit, interdisciplinary, and easily accessible online resource for important topics and new ideas within the nexus of national security, law, and policy. This grant will support a collaboration between Lawfare and Risky Business Media, an Australia-based cybersecurity media platform with podcasts and newsletters for security and policy professionals. This collaboration will support Lawfare’s charitable mission to provide nonpartisan, timely analysis of thorny legal and policy issues to better educate the public through its written, audio, and other content. It will also leverage both organizations’ strengths, produce more robust content, and enrich the field of cybersecurity analysis with new perspectives.
for general operating support
Lawfare is a leading source of analysis of issues at the nexus of national security, law, and policy via blog posts, podcasts, and other engaging content. This grant supports the foundation’s field-building strategy by supporting an organization that develops new cyber policy experts and gives them a voice in policy debates. Lawfare plans to continue its growth with an emphasis on hiring additional editorial staff. (Strategy: Talent Pipeline and Translation Infrastructure)