Latinos for Leadership Excellence and Diversity

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
Latinos for Leadership Excellence and Diversity (Latinos LEAD) works to increase Latinx representation on the governing boards of nonprofit organizations. In particular, its Diversity in Environmental Leadership Initiative works with the governing boards of environmental nonprofit organizations, starting with those in California, to create an inclusive board culture and diverse representation. (Substrategy: Build the Conditions for Enduring Conservation)
About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
Latinos for Leadership Excellence and Diversity (Latinos LEAD) works to increase Latino representation on the governing boards of nonprofit organizations. In particular, its Diversity in Environmental Leadership Initiative works with the governing boards of environmental nonprofit organizations, starting with those in California, to create an inclusive board culture and diverse representation. (Substrategy: Multi-Issue)
for legal technical assistance  
Latinos for Leadership Excellence and Diversity (Latinos LEAD) works to increase Latino representation on the governing boards of nonprofit organizations. This grant is for legal technical assistance to help increase understanding of the current landscape as grantees engage in DEIJ-related charitable activities. (Substrategy: Build the Conditions for Enduring Conservation)

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