Jobs to Move America
For The Clean Public Transportation Program
Date Awarded5/13/2019
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
With this support, Jobs to Move America will leverage public agencies’ substantial purchasing power to build critical climate infrastructure and foster the growth of cleaner transportation, including an electric vehicle manufacturing sector centered around workers, equity, and access. Their comprehensive national and multiregional clean public transportation program aims to reduce transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions, set high-road job standards, and ensure that public investments in new technologies generate shared economic and environmental prosperity for all.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
525 S. Hewitt Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90013, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Jobs to Move America is a strategic policy center that works to transform public spending and corporate behavior using a comprehensive approach that is rooted in racial and economic justice and community organizing. Jobs to Move America focuses on embedding racial, environmental, and economic equity into our nation’s transition to clean technologies. Through research, policy, and community organizing, Jobs to Move America is working to create a nation that uses the power of public funds to create public good, and foster the conditions for an inclusive democracy, equitable economy, and healthy environment for all.
for general operating support
Jobs to Move America is a strategic policy center that works to transform public spending and corporate behavior using a comprehensive approach that is rooted in racial and economic justice and community organizing. Jobs to Move America focuses on embedding racial, environmental, and economic equity into our nation’s transition to clean technologies. Through research, policy, and community organizing, Jobs to Move America is working to create a nation that uses the power of public funds to create public good, and foster the conditions for an inclusive democracy, equitable economy, and healthy environment for all.