Institute for Transportation and Development Policy

For Advancing Electrification In Urban Transport

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program
The Institute for Transportation & Development Policy promotes enviornmentally sustainable and socially equitable transportation in cities worldwide. With this grant, ITDP will make progress toward its goal of replacing high-carbon personal vehicles with low-carbon, shared and electric vehicles. Specifically, ITDP will work with cities to electrify buses, informal transit and shared micromobility in China and India. The lessons from this work will serve to inform the development of a global electric bus policy and implementation guidebook.
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9 East 19th Street 7th Floor, New York, NY, 10003, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for scaling up electric charging infrastructure and parking management in Indian cities  
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy aims to create sustainable, livable, and equitable cities around the world. With this grant, the institute will focus on scaling up electric charging infrastructure that’s integrated with progressive parking management systems, through supportive policies and action plans, for cities in India. (Substrategy: Electrification)
for Integrating Urban Development and Sustainable Transportation Systems in Brazil and Mexico  
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy provides policy and technical assistance to local governments regarding Bus Rapid Transit improvements; higher integration of cycling, pedestrian, and transit oriented development; and parking policy reform to reduce transportation emissions. This project grant would strengthen the Institute’s strategies in Mexico and Brazil, and support Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro and other two major metropolititan regions, to adopt integrated mobility programs that includes these sustainable mobility policies.
for Integrating Urban Development and Sustainable Transportation Systems in Brazil and Mexico  
The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy’s strategy to advocate for better streets and better cities results in cities adopting bus rapid transit; integrating cycling, pedestrian, and transit-oriented development; and reforming parking policies. Each step reduces transportation emissions and improves mobility. This grant would fund the Institute’s work to adopt integrated mobility programs and policies in Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo—a central strategy in reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

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