Independent Sector

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
Founded in 1980, Independent Sector is the first affinity group in the field to combine grantmakers and grantees. In addition to hosting perhaps the largest annual sector-wide convening in the country, Independent Sector also works on federal policy issues that affect the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, including tax incentives and exemption status of organizations within the sector. The organization is now undertaking a multiyear strategic planning exercise, facilitated by the nonprofit consulting firm, Monitor Institute, to learn from and strategically adjust to the most salient trends likely to affect civil society in the years ahead. A grant for general operating support will help to facilitate this and other ongoing work by Independent Sector.
About the Grantee
1602 L Street NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC, 20036-5602, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
Independent Sector is the national nonpartisan leadership network for nonprofits, foundations, and corporations seeking to advance the common good. Independent Sector has nearly 500 members that represent diverse issues and geographies. It hosts a large annual national conference and also works on federal policy issues that affect the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, including tax incentives and the exemption status of organizations within the sector. This grant is for general operating support.
for general operating support  
Independent Sector is the national nonpartisan leadership network for nonprofits, foundations, and corporations seeking to advance the common good. Independent Sector has nearly 500 members that represent diverse issues and geographies. It hosts a large annual national conference and also works on federal policy issues that affect the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, including tax incentives and the exemption status of organizations within the sector.
for a project to advance nonprofit sector priorities and position  
Independent Sector is the nonpartisan leadership network nationally for nonprofits, foundations, and corporations seeking to advance the common good. Independent Sector has nearly 500 members that represent diverse issues and geographies. It hosts a large, annual national conference and also works on federal policy issues that affect the nonprofit and philanthropic sector, including tax incentives and the exemption status of organizations within the sector. This grant will support Independent Sector's efforts to advance nonprofit sector priorities and position at the federal level.

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