For Support Of Resource Mobilization Planning
Date Awarded6/9/2021
Term18.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This grant will enable Behavioral Ideas Lab (ideas42) to engage more deeply with the reproductive health community to support the replication and adaptation of its behavioral economics interventions and pursue new partnerships and funding opportunities. During the grant period, its priorities include stakeholder consultation, developing a solution adaptation framework, producing a paper on the links between social norms and behavioral science interventions, and disseminating findings and learning from these areas of work. (Strategy: International Reproductive Health)
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of the civic engagement portfolio
The civic engagement practice at ideas42 is a creative workshop that develops behavioral science-based solutions to improve civic participation and voter access in the United States. An anchor project in the portfolio is VoterCast, a platform that equips local election officials with customized, best-in-class voter outreach materials that clarify the voting process and build trust in our elections. With this grant, ideas42 will partner with election administrators and civic organizations to scale innovations that making voting easier, more accessible, and more meaningful for millions of voters.
for the Sustainable Banking consumer campaign
Ideas42 has applied behavioral insights in more than 100 projects across 35 countries, helping people act on choices that affect their lives and communities. Ideas42 manages a Sustainable Banking campaign that encourages consumers to switch their bank accounts to climate-positive, socially and environmentally sustainable financial institutions. The short-term goal of the campaign is to drive consumers to take actions signaling their demand for pro-climate deposit accounts. The medium- to long-term goal of the campaign is to build substantial and growing demand for pro-climate retail banking products, and engage with regulatory and private actors to increase the availability and utilization of those products.