Guttmacher Institute

For The Development Of SRHR Indicators For The Post-2015 Development Goals

This grant will support the Guttmacher Institute to help develop a set of indicators to effectively measure progress against the proposed sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) targets in the post-2015 development goals. The Institute will convene a working group with representatives from Northern and Southern NGOs, technical experts, and U.N. representatives to conduct a technical analysis of existing SRHR indicators and devise new indicators to produce a recommended list. A subset of the working group will also engage in a consensus building process among the broader SRHR community to endorse and advocate for the proposed indicators in post-2015 negotiations at the U.N. and at the country level.
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of a global abortion incidence study  
This grant to the Guttmacher Institute will support its flagship study, Abortion Worldwide, a collaboration with the World Health Organization, which generates model-based estimates of the incidence and safety of abortion at global, regional, subregional, and country levels, playing a critical role in informing decisions around improving and expanding access to safe abortion services. With our funding, Guttmacher will produce novel analysis of reproductive autonomy to examine disparities in women’s ability to prevent unintended births when they so desire, by age and urban-rural classification using a new measure called “conditional unintended pregnancy rate.” This grant is aligned with the Global Reproductive Equity strategy. (Strategy: Global Reproductive Equity)
for general operating support  
Working in the United States and globally, the Guttmacher Institute seeks to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights by combining original research, policy analysis and advocacy, communications strategies to shape the public discourse, and capacity-strengthening activities that maximize the reach and impact of partners’ research and advocacy efforts. (Strategies: U.S. Reproductive Equity and Global Reproductive Equity)

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