Grantmakers for Effective Organizations

For General Operating Support

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations is used by grantmakers as a resource and central hub for cross-sector discussion on ways to improve the practice of philanthropy. GEO sponsors educational programming and facilitates peer-to-peer learning forums for funders interested in improving their performance and supporting their grantees' success. Additionally, GEO publishes on a wide variety of organizational development and capacity-building topics that help inform the Foundation's Organizational Effectiveness grantmaking strategies.
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1310 L Street NW Suite 650, Washington, DC, 20005, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations is a leading philanthropic infrastructure organization with a community of more than 600 grantmaker-members committed to improving the practice of philanthropy in order to sustain strong, effective nonprofits. The Hewlett Foundation is a member. The group sponsors education programs for funders, including a biennial national conference; facilitates peer-to-peer communication and learning forums; maintains a pipeline of innovative ideas to consider for improving grantmaking practice; and publishes original research and user-friendly teaching guides on a wide variety of organizational-development and capacity-building topics. This grant is for general operating support and supplements an existing grant as part of the Knowledge for Better Philanthropy strategy.
for general operating support  
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations is a leading philanthropic infrastructure organization with a community of more than 600 grantmaker-members committed to improving the practice of philanthropy in order to sustain strong, effective nonprofits. The Hewlett Foundation is a member. The group sponsors education programs for funders, including a biennial national conference; facilitates peer-to-peer communication and learning forums; maintains a pipeline of innovative ideas to consider for improving grantmaking practice; and publishes original research and user-friendly teaching guides on a wide variety of organizational-development and capacity-building topics. This grant is for general operating support and supplements an existing grant as part of the Knowledge for Better Philanthropy strategy.

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