Global Eco Transition gGmbH

For The Mission: Value Project

Mission: Value is a new initiative at Global Eco Transition gGmbH that seeks to foster social tipping points for decarbonization and sustainability transformations through creative and timely combinations of scientific evidence, public engagement, and alliances that bridge typical camps. Based on a systemic transformation approach and piloting new forms of science communication, this work takes root in one central question: What is value in the 21st century and how can societies best create and regenerate it? The Mission: Value Project integrates pioneering research at the University of St.Gallen with cultural creatives in Berlin to open up common economic concepts, policies, and key performance indicators and highlight their inherent value judgments, aiming to inspire a redesign that will serve, and no longer undermine, the ecological, human, and social capital that societies are built upon.
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for the Mission: Value Project  
Mission: Value is a new initiative at Global Eco Transition gGmbH that seeks to foster social tipping points for decarbonization and sustainability transformations through creative and timely combinations of scientific evidence, public engagement, and alliances that bridge typical camps. Based on a systemic transformation approach and piloting new forms of science communication, this work takes root in one central question: What is value in the 21st century and how can societies best create and regenerate it? The Mission: Value Project integrates pioneering research at the University of St.Gallen with cultural creatives in Berlin to open up common economic concepts, policies, and key performance indicators and highlight their inherent value judgments, aiming to inspire a redesign that will serve, and no longer undermine, the ecological, human, and social capital that societies are built upon.

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