For Support Of The Development Of An Evaluation Framework For Collective Impact

An anchor grantee of the Philanthropy Grantmaking portfolio, FSG is a management consulting firm with a highly influential knowledge creation and dissemination practice. In late 2011, FSG published an article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review magazine on Collective Impact, a disciplined cross-sector approach to solving large-scale social problems built around shared outcomes. Since that time, the concept has gained tremendous momentum in the social sector, and practitioners are asking FSG for support with evaluating the approach. FSG is ideally positioned to develop a clear, practical, easily updatable, and freely available framework for how to structure and implement effective evaluation of collective impact initiatives. One immediate application of this framework within our own grant portfolio will be the Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund (OYIF) created by the Aspen Institute’s Forum for Community Solutions. The fund is composed of twenty-one collective impact initiatives from across the country, all of whom should be able to immediately use and give input on the evaluation framework developed by FSG through this grant.
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500 Boylston Street, Suite 600, Boston, MA, 02116, United States
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for general operating support  
FSG is a global nonprofit consulting firm that partners with foundations and corporations to create equitable systems change. They combine consulting services with research and original thinking to develop insights, frameworks, and tools. FSG’s knowledge work spans five approaches: (a) collective impact, (b) catalytic philanthropy, (c) shared value (business pursuit of profit and social benefit), (d) strategic evaluation, and (e) inclusive markets (business models that create new opportunities and better lives for the global poor). This grant is for general operating support as part of the Knowledge for Better Philanthropy strategy.
for general operating support  
FSG continues to drive some of the most important conversations about the practice of social change. The January 2011 cover story of the Harvard Business Review was co-written by the organization's founders, Mark Kramer and Michael Porter, and offers a new way to think about cross-sector collaboration. During a time of significant expansion and growth at FSG, the Hewlett Foundation has offered general operating support to the organization. The investment has paid off with the launch of FSG's new Strategic Learning and Evaluation Center, the first entity designed to bring together the skill sets of evaluation and management consulting.

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