For A Workshop To Facilitate High-impact Partnerships Among International NGOs And Funders

FSG is an international nonprofit consulting firm that works with corporations, foundations, and nonprofit organizations to formulate and evaluate their social engagement strategies. This grant provides support for follow-on activities to FSG’s report, Ahead of the Curve: Insights for the International NGO of the Future, which identifies four ways in which international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) can adapt to their changing environment and deepen their impact. Through research and convening of INGOs and partners from government and the private sector, this project will explore existing and new models of partnerships with the goal of strengthening how global development INGOs partner for impact.
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for general operating support  
FSG is a global nonprofit consulting firm that partners with foundations and corporations to create equitable systems change. They combine consulting services with research and original thinking to develop insights, frameworks, and tools. FSG’s knowledge work spans five approaches: (a) collective impact, (b) catalytic philanthropy, (c) shared value (business pursuit of profit and social benefit), (d) strategic evaluation, and (e) inclusive markets. This grant is for general operating support as part of the Knowledge for Better Philanthropy strategy.
for general operating support  
FSG is a global nonprofit consulting firm that partners with foundations and corporations to create equitable systems change. They combine consulting services with research and original thinking to develop insights, frameworks, and tools. FSG’s knowledge work spans five approaches: (a) collective impact, (b) catalytic philanthropy, (c) shared value (business pursuit of profit and social benefit), (d) strategic evaluation, and (e) inclusive markets (business models that create new opportunities and better lives for the global poor). This grant is for general operating support as part of the Knowledge for Better Philanthropy strategy.
for research on the use of data in collective impact initiatives  
FSG is a leading social sector consulting firm and producer/disseminator of knowledge on nonprofit and philanthropic practice. It combines consulting experience with research and original thinking to develop insights, frameworks, and tools. FSG’s knowledge work spans five approaches: (a) collective impact, (b) catalytic philanthropy, (c) shared value (business pursuit of profit and social benefit), (d) strategic evaluation, and (e) inclusive markets (business models that create new opportunities and better lives for the global poor). With this grant, we will fund FSG’s research project, Collective Impact Forum, to explore how these initiatives use data for learning and improvement and what data they use.

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