Fòs Feminista

For General Operating Support

This grant would provide unrestricted funds for the Western Hemisphere Region of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF/WHR), a group of forty organizations focused on sexual and reproductive health across North America, Latin America, and the Caribbean with its regional office based in New York City. IPPF/WHR member associates provide 19.4 million services each year; these range from sexuality education, contraceptive services, and prenatal care to HIV testing, post-abortion care, and screening for gender-based violence. The members of IPPF/WHR also act as advocates for sexual and reproductive rights at the local and international levels.
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Grants to this Grantee
for support to strengthen partnerships with feminist and SRHRJ organizations in Africa  
This grant will support Fòs Feminista, an international alliance working to expand sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice (SRHRJ) for all women, girls, and gender-diverse people in the Global South. Through multiyear core funding, strategic accompaniment, and collaboration with African-led feminist networks, Fòs Feminista and its partners aim to advance SRHRJ by ensuring that the African regional ecosystem is well-resourced, well-connected, and well-coordinated. During the grant period, the alliance will strengthen SRHRJ organizing in Africa and build transnational and cross-regional bridges. (Strategy: Global Reproductive Equity)
for support to strengthen partnerships with feminist and SRHRJ organizations in Africa  
This grant will support Fòs Feminista, a global alliance working to ensure that all women, girls, and gender-diverse people in the Global South have the resources, power, and safety to exercise their sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice (SRHRJ) and to fulfill their life projects. Through flexible multiyear funding, co-created advocacy strategies, and South-South learning exchanges, Fòs Feminista and partners apply an intersectional feminist lens to strengthen African SRHRJ ecosystems. During the grant period, Fòs Feminista aims to deepen partnerships with feminist and SRHRJ organizations in Africa. (Strategy: Global Reproductive Equity)

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