For An Ethical Storysharing Pilot Project Intended To Destigmatize Abortion
Date Awarded3/9/2012
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
Many believe that encouraging more women to speak out about their abortions to their friends and acquaintances could move those friends’ and acquaintances’ political views in the pro-choice direction. This grant supports a pilot project being launched by Exhale, an organization by and for women who have had abortions, to learn both how to support women in sharing these stories and whether hearing a personal story from a friend who has had an abortion makes the listener more supportive of abortion rights.
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Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Exhale creates opportunities for women who have had abortions to share their stories and be heard. Activities include a post-abortion talk line, programming to spread the "pro-voice" message, and a story-sharing program.
for general operating support
This grant will support Exhale to create opportunities for women who have had abortions to share their stories and be heard. Activities include a post-abortion talk line, the release of a book and documentary film about Exhale’s "pro-voice" approach, and media outreach with authentic personal stories about abortion experiences. Exhale will also expand its work to develop its fellows program, which supports women who have had abortions to share their stories publicly.