
For A Tool To Improve Family Planning Services

EngenderHealth is requesting funds to develop a prototype tool kit, called Checkpoints for Choice, that will help policymakers, health care providers, and community members identify whether women's choices about contraception are respected when they receive family planning services. The goal of this project is to provide these constituencies with an evidence-based and concrete tool to promote and protect reproductive rights and contraceptive choice. This project grant reflects the Global Development and Population Program’s stronger emphasis on fostering specific improvements in access to and quality of family planning services, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of safe abortion care in Tanzania and globally  
The grant to EngenderHealth will support access to high-quality, gender-equitable, and age-appropriate sexual and reproductive health and rights services, including comprehensive abortion care and postabortion care. The majority of the funding requested will be used for programmatic work in Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania. The remaining funding will support global and country staff time for abortion-related content and advocacy that cannot be covered by other unrestricted funds due to U.S. government funding restrictions. This grant is aligned with the Global Reproductive Equity strategy. (Strategy: Global Reproductive Equity)

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