Energy Foundation
For The China Sustainable Cities Initiative
Date Awarded11/15/2011
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The China Sustainable Cities Initiative (CSCI) is a project of the Energy Foundation. The overarching goal of the China Sustainable Cities Initiative is to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution in new and existing Chinese cities by working in three components: urban development and design, urban transportation systems, and energy efficient - green buildings. CSCI conducts pilot projects to spark the design and adoption of effective national policy while building technical capacity. This is the last and final year (year V) of the current grant to CSCI.
Some of the main expected results this year from CSCI by component are:
Urban planning:
- The cities of Jiangsu and Chongqing adopt urban planning regulations incorporate with the eight principals at provincial level.
- The Ministry of Housing and Rural and Urban Development adopt technical guideline for non motorized transport development across the country.
- 6 additional pilot cities start to implement sustainable urban design, following the 8 principles developed through Kunming pilot project in 2011.
Urban Transportation:
- The Ministry of Transport publishes 12th Five Year Plan for public transit development with target of mode share and Bus Rapid Transit development.
- The cities of Jinan and Chongqing demonstrate policy feasibility and techniques for public transit system optimization as the national "Transit Metropolis" demonstration program.
- One or two mega--cities gain policy momentum to implement congestion pricing.
Green Buildings:
- The Ministry of Housing and Rural and Urban Development and local building authorities continue to gain GB experience via voluntary GB label program State Council approves the national green building action plan Mandatory green building in six districts.
- The State Council approves the national green building action plan.
- Six additional districts adopt mandatory green building.
The Initiative’s main anticipated impact from the three components is to avoid emissions by 1000 million tones of carbon dioxide, 10 thousand tones of particulate matter, and 1.8 million tones of sulfur dioxide in 2030.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Energy Foundation seeks to achieve prosperity and a safe climate through sustainable energy. This grant supports the Energy Foundation’s work, including activities to promote greenhouse gas emissions neutrality, world-class air quality standards, energy access, and green growth in China. (Substrategies: China National Policy and Philanthropic Capacity)
for green finance work to support subnational energy and economic transition in China
Energy Foundation works to achieve prosperity and a safe climate through sustainable energy. This grant will support the foundation to continue its efforts on sustainable investment to facilitate the zero-carbon transition of the real economy in China. This grant will strengthen the integration of green finance into key programmatic areas, help build and leverage a net-zero-aligned finance system with more resources flowing into the real decarbonizing economy, and develop a net-zero-aligned trade and supply chain strategy for the foundation and its partners. (Substrategies: China National Policy and Finance)
for the Strategic Communications Program
The Energy Foundation aims to achieve prosperity and a safe climate through sustainable energy. As China embarks on a new economic model that will ultimately shape the trajectory of its national emissions, the foundation’s communications program will seek to build conversations to inspire, inform, and elevate constructive and socially responsible energy transition solutions. (Substrategies: China National Policy and Communications)