Energy Foundation

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    12 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
The Energy Foundation is a long-time grantee that plays a central role in promoting clean energy and climate goals in the United States and China. The Energy Foundation manages a portfolio of grants across a variety of program areas and geographic regions, including the power sector, transportation, energy efficiency, and, in China, urban design. Its work focuses on reducing the public health and environmental damages associated with energy production and use, while mitigating the threat of global climate change. U.S. Goals In 2011, the Energy Foundation will shift its focus away from comprehensive federal climate policies and will concentrate on federal regulatory measures and continued funding of regional and state activities. Its top priorities include: • EPA: Defend the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority regarding the Clean Air Act and other major environmental laws aimed at limiting the public health impacts of fossil fuel use. • Coal: Continue to stop the construction of new coal-fired power plants and accelerate the retirement of existing plants. • Jobs and the Economy: Identify and communicate the economic and job benefits of energy efficiency and clean technology. • Constituencies: Adapt grantmaking to select constituencies to build the deeper, more powerful support needed to achieve federal climate policies within the next two to six years. China Goals • Efficiency: Assist China in setting ambitious energy savings and emission-reduction targets in their Five Year Plan. • Industrial Efficiency: Continue to build and expand the successful industrial efficiency program currently in 1,000 industrial sites by adding up to 5,000 additional sites. • Transport: Encourage Beijing to adopt a plan to implement stringent, comprehensive vehicle emission standards (Euro V) in 2012, and more cities or regions to move towards Euro V ahead of the national schedule. • Transport: Encourage the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to officially adopt Phase III of passenger vehicle fuel economy standards and implementation regulations.
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55 Second Street, 24th floor, San Francisco, CA, 94105, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for industry decarbonization roadmap and communications  
This grant will help Energy Foundation strengthen its industry-related work in China, including improving its strategic communication components, as it continues to support decarbonization in China’s petrochemical and nonferrous metal sectors. (Substrategy: China National Policy)
for general operating support  
This grant supports the Energy Foundation’s work to achieve greenhouse gas emissions neutrality, world-class air quality standards, energy access, and green growth in China. (Substrategy: Philanthropic Capacity)
for zero-emission road freight program  
Energy Foundation’s Transportation Program will use this grant to advance zero-emission trucks. EF will support grantees in China to evaluate the performance of zero-emission trucks in inter-city operations in order to inform regulations that aim to electrify China’s trucks. This work is aligned with the Hewlett Foundation’s zero-emission road freight strategy. (Substrategy: Electrification)

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