Economic Security Project

For Support Of The Bold V. Old Conference

The economic governing concept of neoliberalism — unfettered markets, stifled democracy, and the bootstraps myth — is on its way out. The big question is what will replace it: a worldview embracing a multiracial democracy and economy that works for everyone or a racist, sexist, antidemocratic system that fails us all. In order to make sense of this time of fractious, divided government, the Economic Security Project will reconvene the Bold v. Old gathering, last held in 2019, with the aim of solidifying consensus around what worked and what levers exist to expand opportunities for big structural changes to the economy.
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Grants to this Grantee
for support of Direct File campaign  
The Economic Security Project has been at the forefront of work to ensure that the tax system successfully delivers credits to the low- and middle-income earners (disproportionately in communities of color) that need them most. This grant supports the group’s messaging and outreach work around the IRS’ Direct File pilot. (Substrategy: Executive Branch)
for support of the Bold v. Old conference  
The economic governing concept of neoliberalism — unfettered markets, stifled democracy, and the bootstraps myth — is on its way out. The big question is what will replace it: a worldview embracing a multiracial democracy and economy that works for everyone or a racist, sexist, antidemocratic system that fails us all. In order to make sense of this time of fractious, divided government, the Economic Security Project will reconvene the Bold v. Old gathering, last held in 2019, with the aim of solidifying consensus around what worked and what levers exist to expand opportunities for big structural changes to the economy.
for support of the development and expansion of Next River  
The nonprofit Economic Security Project will support the development and expansion of Next River, a project it fiscally sponsors. Part culture change lab, part think tank, and part ecosystem incubator, Next River is an institute for practicing the future. Through research, culture and narrative change, and experimentation, Next River moves conversations, culture, and resources to nourish and elevate the people and communities whose ways of being, doing, and relating can help us build a just, liberated, joyful future.

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