Djerassi Resident Artists Program
For General Support
Date Awarded1/31/2000
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Djerassi Resident Artists Program enhances the creative practices and careers of multidisciplinary artists by providing uninterrupted time and space for work, reflection, and collaboration. In a typical year, 65 artists are provided with month-long, live-in residencies where they receive living and studio space, meals, and opportunities to network with other resident artists. The organization also stewards its Woodside, California, campus and the rural 583-acre tract of land through eco-friendly practices. Support for Djerassi Resident Artists Program aligns with the Performing Arts Program’s former Infrastructure strategy, through the Human and Financial Capital substrategy.
for general operating support
Djerassi Resident Artists Program enhances the creative practices and careers of multidisciplinary artists by providing uninterrupted time and space for work, reflection, and collaboration. It is located on a rural 583-acre tract of coastal mountains in Woodside, CA. In a typical year, approximately 65 artists are provided the opportunity particatipate in the live-in residency for a one-month period, free of charge. Artists are provided with living space, food, and studio spaces. In addition, the organization stewards its land and maintains the campus buildings through eco-friendly practices. Support for Djerassi Resident Artists Program aligns with the Performing Arts Program’s Artists strategy.