Create CA
For An Equity, Inclusion, And Diversity Capacity-building Project
Date Awarded10/7/2022
Term11.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Create CA promotes, supports, and advocates for visual and performing arts education for preschool through postsecondary students in California’s public schools. It is the only organization that brings together key stakeholders to support statewide efforts to increase arts education. Create CA convenes and provides training and resources for more than 100,000 artists, K-12 teachers, parents, and members of state and local education departments and PTAs each year. This grant to the Create CA advances the Performing Arts Program’s Youth strategy through its Policy and Advocacy substrategy.
for general operating support
Create CA advocates for increased quality and participation in arts education for California’s public school students. The organization provides information, policy expertise, and technical assistance to a statewide network of teachers, parents, and education administrators. This grant to the Create CA advances the Performing Arts Program’s Youth strategy through its Policy and Advocacy substrategy.
for general operating support
Create CA promotes, supports, and advocates for visual and performing arts education for preschool through postsecondary students in California’s public schools. It is the only organization that brings together key stakeholders to support statewide efforts to increase arts education. Create CA convenes and provides training and resources for more than 100,000 artists, K-12 teachers, parents, and members of state and local education departments and PTAs each year. This grant to the Create CA advances the Performing Arts Program’s Youth strategy through its Policy and Advocacy substrategy.