Community College League of California
For The California EDGE Campaign To Promote Sound Education And Job Training Policy
Date Awarded7/20/2009
Term24.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
2017 O Street, Sacramento, CA, 95814-5211, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for the California Policymaker Education Fact-Finding Mission
The Community College League of California (Sacramento, CA) is a statewide association of community college chief executives.
This grant funds a fact-finding delegation from the California State Legislature to the State of Washington to examine that state's nationally-recognized workforce training and career technical education policies, best practices, and research.
Participants in the delegation will examine Washington's nationally-recognized workforce training and development policies and hear from diverse legislators, experts, and practitioners who have planned and implemented them. (New, $25,000/4 months; 100% of project budget)