ClimateWorks Foundation
For The Latin America Regional Climate Initiative's Transportation Program
Date Awarded11/17/2014
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Program
The Latin America Regional Climate Initiative (LARCI)—created in collaboration with ClimateWorks Foundation, Oak Foundation, and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation—is a convener and regranter to reduce emissions and promote growth in the region. This grant seeks to support LARCI’s strategies in mobility and transportation policies in Mexico and Brazil. Transport in cities is expected to be among the largest sources of emissions in Latin America in the next decade. LARCI’s interventions in the sector aim to reduce about 80 million tons of carbon by 2035. Strategies include creating transit-oriented plans to improve urban mobility in main cities, enhance vehicle efficiency standards, and reduce subsidies on fossil fuels.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
235 Montgomery Street, Suite 1300, San Francisco, CA, 94104-3006, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
ClimateWorks Foundation works to address climate change and advance clean energy and a prosperous economy. They pursue a global approach to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, aimed at energy sectors and regions with high or fast-growing levels of greenhouse gas pollution. Among their priorities are increasing clean, renewable energy sources; promoting energy efficiency; supporting work on clean transportation; and reducing deforestation and emissions of highly potent greenhouse gases. ClimateWorks will also continue working to increase philanthropic capacity in the field. (Substrategy: Philanthropic Capacity)
for the global industrial decarbonization program
ClimateWorks Foundation works to address climate change and advance clean energy and a prosperous economy. This grant will support its Industry Program’s efforts to reduce industrial GHG emissions to zero in high-income countries by 2050 and in middle- and lower-income countries by 2060. To achieve this goal, all the key components of the transition must be fully commercialized and ready to be rapidly scaled up by 2030, including the technologies and the social and economic systems to support clean production, demand reduction, and the transition away from fossil-based production practices. This grant will enable ClimateWorks to work with partners globally to set the policy, commercial, technological, and social foundations for deep decarbonization from 2030, through initial steps to reduce industrial GHG emissions during the 2020s. (Substrategy: Industry)
for the fertilizer program
This grant will support a ClimateWorks Foundation project to address emissions from fertilizer, which represent about 5% of total global emissions annually, and which are expected to grow as much as an additional 50% by 2050. ClimateWorks will help develop a global strategy to reduce GHG emissions from fertilizers by 80% by 2050. It will focus on supporting increased nitrogen use efficiency, increasing access to low-emission fertilizer alternatives (particularly for low- and middle-income countries), and building a global philanthropic roadmap for fertilizer emissions reduction. (Substrategy: Multilateral)