Climate Solutions
For The Power Past Coal Campaign
Date Awarded11/16/2011
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
This grant is to support the work of Climate Solutions as both a grantee and as a re-granter. It goal is to prevent rail and deep water port infrastructure that would allow Powder Basin coal to be exported from the United States to fast growing economies like China and India. THe work will engage rail and port communities that would be impacted by such infrastructure into this coalition of NGOs. Finally, it would work to insure that any progress made in moving beyond coal in the U.S. by shutting down US coal generation is not undermined by instead exporting this same coal to supply global markets.
About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support
Climate Solutions works to accelerate clean energy solutions to the climate crisis in the Pacific Northwest. The organization supports a thriving, equitable region powered by clean energy, and, by doing so, inspiring the transition to sustainable prosperity across the nation and beyond. Over the coming year, Climate Solutions is focused on successful implementation and defense of ambitious state policies in Oregon and Washington that can become national models, while also taking advantage of federal climate investments to accelerate decarbonization in the region. (Substrategy: U.S. National Policy)
for the Renew Bonneville Power Administration project
Climate Solutions is a Seattle based climate and energy advocacy organization. The purpose of this grant is to move the Bonneville Power Authority to embrace Clean Energy. BPA is important because it can enable large scale renewable integration in the west and is critical in winning support from western opinion leaders for regional and national climate policies.
for the Power Past Coal Campaign
This grant is to support the work of Climate Solutions as both a grantee and as a re-granter. It goal is to prevent rail and deep water port infrastructure that would allow Powder Basin coal to be exported from the United States to fast growing economies like China and India. THe work will engage rail and port communities that would be impacted by such infrastructure into this coalition of NGOs. Finally, it would work to insure that any progress made in moving beyond coal in the U.S. by shutting down US coal generation is not undermined by instead exporting this same coal to supply global markets.