Centre for Policy Dialogue

For Support Of Southern Voice

The Centre for Policy Dialogue is a policy research center based in Bangladesh that serves as the secretariat of the Southern Voice on Post-Millennium Development Goals International Development Goals. Southern Voice is a network of forty-nine think tanks from Asia, Africa, and Latin America that seeks to promote, through evidence-based policy inputs, the interests and concerns of developing countries in agenda-setting discussions about the Post-2015 global development goals. This grant would support the work of Southern Voice to understand the country-level data and implementation needs to both measure and achieve the new goals, as well as foster and assess continued collaboration among southern think tanks.
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Grants to this Grantee
for a project to test post-2015 indicator feasibility and inform post-2015 framework development  
This project will determine the extent to which candidate post-2015 goals, targets and indicators can be measured in six countries representing low, middle and high income categories. The country case studies will identify key data gaps and feasibility for measuring development progress in the post-2015 framework. The project will also identify opportunities and challenges to improve the quality, accessibility and transparency of data. which will inform the post-2015 deliberations. The case studies will be conducted by members of the Think Tank Initiative. The results from the project will be used to inform the post-2015 framework. A separate grant is being made to support the North-South Institutes' participation in the project.
for support of Southern Voice flagship research on SDG implementation  
The Centre for Policy Dialogue currently serves as the institutional host for Southern Voice, a network of think tanks from Asia, Africa, and Latin America that seeks to promote, through evidence-based policy inputs, the interests and concerns of developing countries in implementation and monitoring of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This grant supports the Centre to provide research leadership for Southern Voices’ flagship State of the SDGs initiative that will bring together research from 12 member organizations and provide a unique perspective on SDG progress, informed exclusively by scholars and experiences in the low- and middle-income countries of Southern Voice’s three regions.
for support of Southern Voice  
The Centre for Policy Dialogue serves as the secretariat of Southern Voice, a network of think tanks from Asia, Africa, and Latin America that seeks to promote, through evidence-based policy inputs, the interests and concerns of developing countries in agenda-setting, implementation, and monitoring of the global Sustainable Development Goals. This grant coincides with a period of strategic planning and consolidation of the network, and will support Southern Voice in increasing policy engagement and public profile of its policy research and scholars during this time of transition.

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