Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
For A Project To Survey Interest In Developing Norms For Cyber Warfare
Date Awarded7/15/2014
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
A grant to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace would support a project to explore the desirability and feasibility of developing international guidelines for limiting the possible use of offensive cyber weapons. This project is an important first step in cybersecurity governance. If funded, the Carnegie Endowment will identify the requirements, opportunities, and challenges, as well as some of the pertinent players, beginning in the United States, for generating international principles for self-conduct or more authoritative guidelines with international standing.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
1779 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20036-2109, United States
Grants to this Grantee
for an Africa program retreat and a suite of training activities to empower staff and wellness
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace is an important global organization to help our society, country and world to overcome the problem of injustice and inequality. This grant aims to support its newly established Africa program to conduct OE and DEI trainings in 2024 that will empower its staff with enhanced visibility and outreach, and improved research and communication skills to optimize its impacts globally. There is also an allocation in this grant for wellness in furtherance of the organization’s charitable purpose.
for the Cyber Policy Initiative
A grant to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace will support the continued growth of its Cyber Policy Initiative, a leading source of innovative and outcome-minded solutions to critical international security challenges in cyberspace. The initiative promotes greater stability and civility in cyberspace by developing strategies and policies and engaging key decision makers in government and industry worldwide. This grant furthers our field-building goals by sustaining an anchor think tank institution. (Strategy: Core Institutions)
for the Cyber Policy Initiative
A grant to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace will support the continued growth of its Cyber Policy Initiative, a leading source of innovative and outcome-minded solutions to critical international security challenges in cyberspace. The initiative promotes greater stability and civility in cyberspace by developing strategies and policies and engaging key decision makers in government and industry worldwide. This grant furthers our field-building goals by sustaining an anchor think-tank institution. (Strategy: Core Institutions)