For Support Of A Project To Map Foundation Funding Aimed At Improving Democracy In The United States
Date Awarded9/4/2013
Term7.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Hewlett Foundation is considering developing a set of strategies to help address the growing dysfunction in the U.S. political system. As we begin to explore possible strategies, we would like to understand what other foundations are funding in this area. We also expect, based on conversations with peers, that this area of philanthropic investment could be greatly improved by a clearer picture of what issue areas and organizations other foundations are supporting.
After a lengthy RFP process including submissions from CIRCLE, Bridgespan, and FSG, Hewlett selected Foundation Center as the optimal partner to help map democracy funding flows. Foundation Center will work with the Hewlett Foundation and in collaboration with its seven funding partners—the Omidyar Network’s Democracy Fund, the MacArthur Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, Open Society Fund, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Rita Allen Foundation, and the JPB Foundation. The Center will create a data visualization tool to reflect relevant grants data, supported by a taxonomy that will serve as the Center’s primary democracy-related taxonomy moving forward.
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for support of the Foundation Funding for U.S. Democracy website and database
In 2013, the Hewlett Foundation, alongside seven other foundation funding partners, partnered with the Foundation Center, now part of Candid, to develop an online, interactive data visualization tool to map “who is funding whom to do what” in the field of U.S. democracy. The tool is intended to provide a clearer picture of what issue areas and organizations other foundations are supporting, thereby helping to improve philanthropic investment and coordination in this growing field. The beta version was launched in June 2014. This grant will support ongoing maintenance, upgrades, and updates of the tool through 2023.
for general operating support
Candid is a leading information source about philanthropy for nonprofits and funders globally. Candid maintains large, searchable repositories including the Foundation Directory Online, the most comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and grants; IssueLab, a collection of over 28,000 articles and reports; and GuideStar, a searchable database of 1.5 million nonprofits. Candid operates research, education, and training programs and offers a multitude of resources online as well, all to advance knowledge of philanthropy. Millions visit Candid’s websites, receive its daily Philanthropy News Digest emails, and are served by its more than 400 learning center hubs globally. This grant provides general support as part of the Knowledge for Better Philanthropy strategy.
for general operating support
Candid (formerly Foundation Center and GuideStar) is a leading information source about philanthropy for nonprofits and funders globally. Candid maintains large, searchable repositories including (a) Foundation Directory Online, the most comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and grants, (b) IssueLab, a collection of over 28,000 articles and reports, and (c) GuideStar, a searchable database of 1.5 million nonprofits. Candid operates research, education, and training programs and offers a multitude of resources online as well, all to advance knowledge of philanthropy. Millions visit Candid’s websites, receive its daily Philanthropy News Digest emails, and are served by its more than 400 learning center hubs globally.