Campbell Collaboration
For Support Of A Website Refresh And Plain Language Summaries Of Systematic Reviews
Date Awarded7/14/2015
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportProject
The Campbell Collaboration supports the production and use of systematic reviews of evidence in social and economic policy, including international development. A grant to the Campbell Collaboration will support a project to redesign the Campbell website, including improving design to be consistent with Campbell’s branding and hiring a firm to develop and host the site. Campbell will develop plain language summaries, policy briefs, and other policy-friendly products from their systematic reviews that will be available through the updated website. In addition, Campbell will develop methodological resources and train four editors to increase the number of reviews that Campbell can manage.
About the Grantee
Grantee Website
Grants to this Grantee
for support to the What Works Global Summit 2019
The Campbell Collaboration is an international research network supporting the production and use of evidence syntheses. This grant will support the 2019 What Works Global Summit, which brings together policymakers, practitioners, and researchers interested in evidence-based policy and practice.
for support of the Campbell Collaboration Secretariat
The Campbell Collaboration supports the production and use of systematic reviews of evidence in social and economic policy. Campbell develops new methods, trains, and coordinates researchers that produce systematic reviews. It also makes evidence syntheses publicly available, and develops partnerships to produce synthesized evidence that responds to the needs of decision makers, and encourages policymakers and practitioners to use this evidence.
for support of the Campbell Collaboration Secretariat
The Campbell Collaboration supports the production and use of systematic reviews of evidence about social and economic policy. This includes (a) providing researchers and research institutions with training and subgrants; (b) making evidence syntheses publicly available; and (c) encouraging policymakers, program managers, and practitioners to use them. This grant will support the secretariat in its oversight of activities during this grant period, to build the Campbell Collaboration’s institutional capacities and funding base and to increase the production and use of systematic reviews in low- and middle-income countries.