Californians for the Arts

For General Operating Support

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    24.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Organization
Californians for the Arts is the only statewide advocacy organization for the arts in California. Through convenings, trainings, field surveys, and public awareness campaigns, Californians for the Arts advocates for increased public funds for the arts, builds the field’s advocacy capacity, and supports the efforts of arts advocates statewide. The organization’s active subscriber list reaches 15,000 arts workers and advocates across the state, and its active, paying membership totals about 200 individuals and organizations. This grant advances the Performing Arts program’s interest in building the advocacy capacity of the arts sector by supporting an organization that trains, educates, and supports arts advocates in the Bay Area and throughout the state.
About the Grantee
Grants to this Grantee
for general operating support  
Californians for the Arts is the only statewide advocacy organization for the arts in California. Through convenings, trainings, field surveys, and public awareness campaigns, Californians for the Arts advocates for increased public funds for the arts, builds the field’s advocacy capacity, and supports the efforts of arts advocates statewide. The organization’s active subscriber list reaches 15,000 arts workers and advocates across the state, and its active, paying membership totals about 200 individuals and organizations. This grant advances the Performing Arts Program’s overarching strategic framework by building the advocacy capacity of the arts sector.
for general operating support  
Californians for the Arts is California’s only statewide arts advocacy organization. It is dedicated to building public awareness of the value and impact of arts, culture, and creativity across California. With more than 15,000 subscribers and hundreds of members, Californians for the Arts advocates for increased public funds for the arts, convenes the field via an annual conference and lobbying day, and supports other efforts to help ensure the arts are accessible to all Californians.

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