Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation

For Support Of School Districts’ Community Outreach And The Local Control And Accountability Plans

  • Amount
  • Program
  • Date Awarded
  • Term
    16.0 Months
  • Type of Support
    General Support/Program
The Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation is a nonprofit that incubates and elevates promising initiatives at the California Department of Education and across the state. To increase local capacity to involve communities in the development of required Local Control and Accountability Plans, the Education Foundation will support two to three districts each in San Mateo and Santa Clara to reach out to and engage families. Proactive and visible engagement of local families in designing planned budgets and goals for school districts will help ensure educational equity and school accountability that represents community needs and values.
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Grants to this Grantee
for teacher pipeline development  
Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation is the nonprofit organization that supports the work of the California Department of Education. It focuses on the implementation of statewide education policy and deployment funds by providing technical assistance, guidance, and research to local education agencies throughout the state. The organization’s Teacher Residency Lab provides teacher residency programs to access state funding, coaching, and professional learning communities. This grant will support Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation to develop a residency system for visual and performing arts teachers for California’s public schools. Support for the project advances the Performing Arts Program’s Youth strategy through the Policy and Advocacy substrategy.
for California Labor Management Initiative’s business development plan  
The Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation partners with state education leaders to create, resource, and implement solutions that result in a strong and valued public education system that serves every student in California. The California Labor Management Initiative is a program of the foundation, which engages school systems’ management and labor partners to build collective capacity and develop shared goals and supportive learning environments for students and staff. This grant supports the initiative’s long-term sustainability and business planning. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)
for support of equity and research efforts across the state of California  
The Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation partners with state education leaders to create, resource, and implement solutions that result in a strong and valued public education system that serves every student in California. The foundation is a partner with the California Department of Education, whose goal is to serve California by innovating and collaborating with educators, schools, parents, and community partners to prepare students to live, work, and thrive in a multicultural, multilingual, highly connected world. This project will support equity and research capacity at the foundation to share best practices across California. (Strategy: K-12 Teaching and Learning)

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