For General Operating Support
Date Awarded4/20/2020
Term12.0 Months
Type of SupportGeneral Support/Organization
BoardSource is a membership organization that provides resources, training, research, conferences and convenings, consulting, and other sectorwide supports focused on governance practices of U.S. nonprofits and foundations. BoardSource provides guidance on what constitutes good governance and offers educational opportunities in new approaches to governance. Leading with Intent is BoardSource's flagship research and report, conducted biennially and focused on studying the status and trends in board composition, practices, and culture. While their primary focus is nonprofit boards, BoardSource also offers tools, resources, and programming to support foundation boards. This is a general operating support grant.
About the Grantee
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Grants to this Grantee
for legal technical assistance
This grant is for legal technical assistance to help increase understanding of the current landscape as grantees engage in DEIJ-related charitable activities.
for general operating support
BoardSource is a membership organization that provides resources, training, research, conferences and convenings, consulting, and other sector wide supports focused on governance practices of U.S. nonprofits and foundations. BoardSource provides guidance on what constitutes good governance and offers educational opportunities on new approaches to governance. Leading with Intent is BoardSource’s flagship research and report, conducted biennially and focused on studying the status and trends in board composition, practices, and culture. In March 2021, the organization released a new framework, entitled Purpose-Driven Board Leadership. This grant is for general operating support as part of the Knowledge for Better Philanthropy strategy.